Friday, November 7, 2008

Securing FTP server on Linux

Securing Linux FTP Server

On my previous blog I've shown on how to set up a FTP server. But the default settings that are in a default installation are

not that tight or secured yet. To mention few, one of the risk is that the default settings allow anonymous logins. Another

is that the user can navigate anywhere on the server.

On this blog I'll show you on how to make your FTP server more secured.

a.) Disallow anonymous logins

1. First is to disallow anonymous logins. To do this, open the vsftpd.conf using any text editor.

vi /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf

2. Change



3. Then restart vsftpd

if sudoer

/sbin/service vsftpd restart

if root

service vsftpd restart

b.) Never allow your ftp users to navigate on other folders except the one he owns

1. Comment this line on vsftpd.conf


2. Set the following settings:


3. Then finally restart the vsftpd for the changes to take effect

Here is a link of other settings you can play with:

Hope you find this helpful. Cheers!!!! and God Bless!!!!!

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